Suggested minimum contribution is $200.00 per household
SEND CHECK payable to DPOA
PO Box 215, Diablo, CA 94528
- OR-
USE CREDIT CARD (button below)
Note: PayPal is our credit processor. Account name is "Mt Diablo Property Owners' Association".
You do not need a PayPal account.
Provide your contact information so we can help connect you with community related information. You can print and mail, or email back to us.
The Diablo Property Owners’ Association (DPOA) was
formed in 1929 and is one of the oldest such organizations
in California. Our mission is to enhance the community
through beautification, social events, communication, and historic preservation.
The DPOA is run by community volunteers and funded by
annual contributions by residents. Donations support activities such as entrance landscaping and seasonal décor at the post office, water and weekly maintenance, the patriotic Flags of Diablo, community socials, welcoming new residents, publication of the quarterly newsletter, The Devil’s Advocate, and a directory of property owners.
The owners' association possesses no legal
power, instead it acts as a sounding board and forum, and works with other community organizations to facilitate community affairs.
This annual food drive has been supported by Diablo residents for over 29 years and every dollar you give supports families right here in Contra Costa County. Join the team effort with a donation this year!
Kathy Urbelis (925)381-8709
Julie Nejedly (925)980-9132